Bacon and Egg on a Train

Bacon and Egg on a Train

Many moons ago, in what feels like another life, I studied graphic design after school, at a funky Art College in the bohemian suburb of Observatory in Cape Town, South Africa. The college was housed in this beautiful old Victorian building, situated very close to the train station. It was two years of creativity, fun and independence without responsibility, which let’s face it is probably as good as it ever gets in life.

While I was not that much of a foodie in those days and my cooking skills were very limited (we are talking ready meals and toast here), I still have some fond food memories that make me smile. One of these involves myself and my friends bunking our Friday Life Drawing class (yes, I made a habit of this it seems!) and catching a train to the quaint coastal town of Simons Town, about an hour or so away.

We would board the dining carriage, order cups of filter coffee or hot chocolate and a hearty breakfast, while enjoying the scenic ride to Simon’s Town. Once there, we would simply catch the next train and go straight back, in time for the end of class! What sticks in my memory most of all though, is how all my Jewish friends would order bacon and eggs on these journeys! It was a strange little secret ritual that bonded us and will forever be etched in my mind.

Years later I caught up with a dear friend of mine from the art school days and while chatting to his somewhat orthodox wife, I reminisced about these trips and before I could tell the whole story I caught the look of horror on his face and had to omit the part about the bacon!