The Best Chocolate Cake

The Best Chocolate Cake

I have tried and tested quite a few Chocolate Cake recipes over the years and none have really impressed me. I find Chocolate cake to seldom taste as good as it looks. Either it is dry and bland or incredibly rich. Now I am excited to have found a cake that has a good chocolate taste, moist texture and is light. I have made it a few times with different icing combinations and it has been a huge success. You can dress it up with Chocolate Ganache icing, melt a good dark chocolate over it, or have it plain where it is just dusted with icing sugar.  This cake is so versatile and easy to make. I have turned it into a sleek tart which tastes great alongside some Crème Fraîche and I also have made thick chunky brownies covered in melted chocolate with the recipe, which went down as a real hit with friends. You can even use it as a pudding and serve it with custard. I say, serve with a dollop of cream. Whatever your mood and whatever way you choose to bake this cake, enjoy!


  • 4 large eggs
  • 300g sugar (you can use Coconut Sugar or xylitol instead)
  • 250ml Coconut oil
  • 1 cup cake flour (Almond flour works well for a gluten free alternative)
  • half cup cocoa powder, twice sifted
  • 20ml baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 310ml milk
  • 15ml vanilla essence


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C. 
  2. Lightly grease 20cm cake tin or two smaller tins for a layered cake.
  3. Place the eggs, sugar and oil in bowl and beat until the mixture is thick and creamy.
  4. Add the flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt, milk and vanilla. Beat for a few more minutes until batter is smooth.
  5. Pour batter into the tin and bake until the cake is cooked through, about 30-45min.
  6. Allow to cool before icing it and serving, with cream on the side.

Basic Glacé Icing:
Mix 1 Tbs sifted good quality cocoa powder with 250g sifted icing sugar. Add a tsp hot water and 1 tsp butter and mix until it is thick but not too solid. If you accidentally make it too runny, simply add more icing sugar.

My Chocolate Ganache:
Heat some good quality chocolate in a saucepan and add a bit of cream. Mix to remove lumps, then add some cocoa powder, a bit of sugar and touch of butter. Mix until the consistency is runny but thick and then pour over the cake.