The many faces of love

The many faces of love

February is coming to an end, Spring is almost here and as we end the month of love, I reflect on this complex but wonderful emotion that fills our lives in so many ways. These are the many faces of love:

Love is not found in red roses
Love is in the listening;
the carrying of heavy parcels;
the making of a favourite meal.
It is in the unexpected embrace of arms around you by your teenage daughter,
the flowers from a neighbour
and lift to the shop from another.
It’s the cup of tea being made for you
and the person who takes the time to look you in the eyes and ask sincerely how you’re doing.
You’ll find it in the willing ear that listens to you tell the same story for the 100th time
and the patience of a mother answering their young child’s question ‘why?’
It is in the thank you card received in the post;
the socks rolled up and neatly packed away;
Love has many faces
love is in the little things you do and receive each day x
So forget the roses but know you are loved.