I’ve Been a Bit Distracted

I’ve Been a Bit Distracted
The poetry stone, in St Michael's churchyard Stamford, where poets stand to read poetry at public events.

I admit it, I have been neglecting this blog a bit lately. Life suddenly became extra busy and since winning the Stamford Poet Laureate competition, I’ve decided to create a separate blog that focuses more specifically on my poetry.

It’s been on my mind for years, but I would fluctuate, largely as any poem published on a blog or Instagram is considered published and then you aren’t able to enter it into competitions, which has been something I’ve liked to do. Now, to be honest, I’m not too worried about that. I’ve realised what I’d like most is just to have my work out there, to share my writing, my photographs, my poetry with others. If other people are moved, inspired or get some joy from what I create, then that’s a job well done as far as I’m concerned.

So, if you’re interested in my poetry, take a look at thepoetry.blog

I'll still be writing about homely stuff and posting recipes here on Hearth and Home, just a bit irregularly!

With love,
