Winter’s Resolutions, Now Fading

Winter’s Resolutions, Now Fading

In the darkness of January late afternoons, I set a few mini monthly goals - resolutions that could be re-evaluated through the passing of each season and added to, or edited as I please.

These were some of my ideas for January and February : The main theme: to embrace the darkness

- the longer nights can feel isolating and the lack of sun often leads to seasonal depression, so l decided to take some vitamin D; use more lamps around the house (possibly changing bulbs for a warmer glow) and light more candles.
- This definitely helped lift my mood. As Spring now approaches, I won’t need to light as many lamps and can enjoy more sunlight.

- Darkness is a great theme for introspection and self-reflection, so l decided to journal, pray and meditate more.
- In all honesty the journaling hasn’t lasted but the quiet movements of meditation and prayer have. This is something I will continue with.

- Darkness can often lead to creative inspiration, so l decided to set aside the time to read and write more poetry.
- Again this has ebbed and flowed, but remains something I wish to continue to do.

- I also planned to embrace the cold and wear lots of soft, comfy layers as well as create layering in my home with blankets, sheep skins and rugs around the house as well. Different textures create interest and I felt inspired to create more of a sense of 'hygge.'
- even as the weather gets warming, I am still committed to creating that sense of ‘hygge’ within my home.

Other goals included:

- reading all the fiction and nonfiction books that are stacked around the house that I haven't yet read. This involved reminding myself I don't need to buy more! (Ok, so I may have bailed on this and borrowed a few books from the library!)

- Drinking a strong cup of tea in a pretty China cup every afternoon. (I’ve loved doing this)

- Planning what bulbs to plant for spring (tick)

So now as spring is finally here, it's time to reflect on a few new resolutions. Watch this space.